
Wednesday, October 28, 2020

plastic straws should be banned

 Plastic straws should be banned

I think plastic straws should be banned because they are harming a lot of things like animals, the air, the ocean and even humans could die just because of all the pollution. So I think we should ban plastic straws and we should stop littering. 

Plastic straws and rubbish will harm the earth if we don’t act quickly because the pollution from the plastic and the rubbish will spread into the ocean. Maybe in about forty five years we won't stop littering our world. Legit won’t be a world anymore just rubbish nothing else. Well maybe still us but not a lot of animals so don’t litter.   

The plastic straws will get stuck in animals' noses and they can swallow them too. If plastic straws get into sea turtles mouth or nose and their lives will get halved so lets say they live for one hundred years there time of living will be fifty, And another sad thing is there won’t be any new evolution because plastic will kill a lot of animals. 

You can’t burn plastic straws because well you can burn them but the smoke will still be there and the pollution will pollute the earth and it will stink. To be honest I think smoke is the worst litter because it can spread way quicker but that is only my opinion you can think whatever you want to think like maybe just rubbish is the worst pollution.

Plastic straws should be banned, actually they definitely should be banned. The only people who need plastic straws are old people that don’t have a lot of teeth left and if they don’t use plastic straws their teeth will get a frosty feeling. But old people are only like twenty percent of the people on our earth so the other eighty percent won’t need to use plastic straws.

This blog post and this writing took so much time to make because first I had to write down all of my ideas on a piece of paper second now we had to do a plan about plastic straws and THEN we had to do a writing template AND THEN now we had to do a blog post about it. That is how challenging it is  it is like challenging like good challenging it was fun at the same time though because I found out some thing I haven't found out before and it is plastic straws SUCK.    

Thursday, October 22, 2020

dragon slide show

In the holidays I made a slide show and the only thing in the slide show is dragon picture and you could probably tell it is about dragons because the title is a dragon but it isn't a title it's just a picture of a dragon. There are a lot of different type of dragon textures like the first one is, well I tried to make it like an anime dragon.