
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

A digital learning object about deforestation/ habitat destruction

Hello my name is Son and today in inquiry we had to make a digital learning object about habitat destruction and deforestation today's digital learning object is different to me because I usually do a digital learning object on a google slide or a jam board.

 I don't usually do a digital learning object on a google drawing to me so yeah I it is pretty different I like it though. I think the digital learning object on google drawing is pretty cool and trying something different never hurt anyone but it was challenging to because I didn't get to use that much space and I always need space because like why did I have to do it as a split screen type of thing. 

And if we don't start helping the world could end pretty soon because trees give you oxygen and air for us to breath with and if we keep chopping all the trees down we will lose oxygen and air and eventually we won't have any air and we will ALL DIE and you don't want that to happen right. So if you want to save the world we need to STOP chopping the trees down STOP littering and try to not use a lot of plastic because if we use plastic or we litter it will just end in the sea and then all the fish will die and we will be next. So stop littering and chopping trees down it is for the good for us.

Okay that's going to be it for today and if you have any questions that you want to ask me you could just write a comment bye.   


Iron Tamariki blog post

Hello people I am Son and I am making a blog post about the Iron Tamariki. if you don't know what the  Iron Tamariki is, it is a race in the book that I red about the book was called The Iron Tamariki it is a Maori and New Zealand book. I think it's a pretty good book because it can encourage people to never give up and you could win anything. Okay that's it if you have any questions you could use the comment button at the bottom bye bye.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Cats should be aloud to be outside

Hello readers I have a complainant to have I for myself because cats are making everything in your house all bad and it is not good isn't that right so you know what you have to do you just leave them outside so that they can do anything bad so here is a document about Cats should be allowed to go outside and if you have any questions just make a comment okay bye.