
Friday, March 26, 2021

Code Cracker brain teaser

Today in math we did a brain teaser and then we had to video it and then we had to blog it and that's what I'm doing right now. A blog but first I'm going to show you what and how we did it is super duper specific IT IS drum role please the picture right here yep super duper specific and that's what we did to so yeah that's it for the blog if you have any questions or anything just comment on the blog and I'll read it BYE.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Pouākai the giant eagle

last week we tried to finish our writing call Pouākai the giant eagle it's a Maori legend about war and chopping of stuff and blood but yeah that's what we wrote about.

first we had to do a plan about what it was about because everybody has to plan before they write but first the teacher read us the story of course because then how could we do the plan.

so we did the plan and then we started our writing and it was very quick when I did the writing because I did the writing at home because I was so bored I have nothing to do, and that's it here is my story over there on the side bye.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Coded Hundreds Board - math brain teaser

Today in math we did a math's number board brain teaser thingy it was really easy I found out what the code was it was just symbol's taking the place for numbers but anyway me and my friend Lucas finished it first and everybody was like how do you do it! How do you do it! it was weird but at least I finished it bye.


Friday, March 12, 2021

how the south island was formed Maori legend


Last week and this week our writing teacher read us a Maori legend which was about how the south island was made it was really cool I loved it a lot it makes you really think about what the images are like. 

We had to rewrite the story by reading it and then writing it on a document. But we had to do a plan first because everybody needs a plan because you can't do anything with out a plan. And that was it hear is my writing and good bye

Thursday, March 11, 2021

what is a Pepeha?

Today and yesterday I suppose in reading we read a text about what a pepeha is and then wknow e had to do an activity to explain what a pepeha is (the activity that I did is right here down there), the text was really cool it explained to you what a pepeha was and what marae's do. (if you didn't know what a mare is it's a Maori tribe and if you don't know what Maori is it's a culture) That's what we did for reading today and yesterday.