
Friday, September 10, 2021

Te-Reo Sayings

Hello everybody for the past Te-Reo sessions we have been learning about Te-Reo sayings for classroom objects I actually did it with it with a buddy so I'm going to show you an example for what we did . So if I said "He aha tenei?" and held up ONE pen my buddy would say "it's a pen" but in Maori. The next example is a group of things or more than one thing, so for example if I said "He aha enei" and held up TWO pencils my buddy would say "it's two pencils" in Maori again.

I really enjoyed the activity even though trying to get like the perfect video ever. Fun Fact we had to do like a billion videos because we had to record in the toilet and everybody had to go toilet TODAY! So that was the challenging thing about this activity but the rest wasn't that hard. If you want to see the video it's down there, sorry about the noise in the background Again we had to record in the toilet so that's why. I hope you enjoyed my blog BYE BYE. 


Thursday, September 2, 2021


Hello everyone today for math we are learning about Algebra. For the past three activity'shave all been about Algebra it was challenging, but this isn't for Algebra. This is normal Patterns, yeah my teacher just made the an activity for people that finished everything and blogged everything. So this has nothing to do with the stuff we've been learning about. I thought this activity was very easy. All we had to do was look at the pattern solve it and draw what the next pattern will be. Simple but yet again I still enjoyed this activity because you get to draw and I love drawing. That is what I did today for math, bye bye.   

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Fathers day comic

Hello everyone for writing on Monday and Wednesday we got to chose to make anything for your dad for up coming Fathers-Day. I picked a comic, because I thought I could do it faster and I could still enjoy it because I love drawing like anything. Even on a device I don't know why but I think devices are like a lot easier to draw than on paper. I felt like it was still pretty hard because it took me a long time to just draw 4 of the pictures let alone all 8, but again I love drawing so I really enjoyed this activity. We actually have another writing session on Friday but I didn't need it. I hope you enjoyed my blog, bye.