
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Algebra 3

Hello everyone today we did another another algebra math activity for math that's right we did another Algebra, but it still wasn't like the last 2. Last one is about greater than, smaller than and equal. Last, last one was about replacing a number we didn't know with any symbol you of your choice. The thing about this one is I didn't really understand it but after I answered the question or what ever it's called, my brain just motored and I finished and that's like the only thing that matters. Other than actually learning it. I felt like it still was hard because some parts of this activity was confusing but I still enjoyed it, because I love challenges. I hope you liked my blog, bye bye.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Algebra 2

 Hello everyone today we did another algebra math activity for math, but it wasn't like the last on the last one was about replacing a number we didn't know with any symbol you chose. This one is about greater than smaller than and equal. The thing about this one is I already learnt it so I was like the first one to finish so I didn't think it was hard but it still felt fun because I haven't used it in a long time and I like well doing old stuff I learnt in the past. That's what I did  for math, I hope you enjoyed my blog, bye.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021


Today and yesterday in math we worked on a slide show about Algebra. If you don't know what Algebra is, it's just a math strategy to replace something you don't know with a object like a circle or anything you desire and do you now what Algebra goes good with well that's patterns. I learnt that from this slide show we had to do at math basically all of the activity on there involved patterns. I thought that this activity wasn't that hard it was just time consuming. I enjoyed the activity though because it really got my brain thinking and it was fun. So that's what I did for math today I hope you enjoyed my blog, bye.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Olympics Nadia Comaneci

Today in reading our reading group had to read a online book about a lot of successful Olympics champions and one of them was Nadia Comaneci. Of course we were aloud to pick who we wrote or what ever the picture is on the right, but Nadia Comaneci stood out for me, because she was only 14 when she joined the Olympics AND she was the first person ever to get a score of 10 now that's special. I thought it was hard because again she just stood out to me so it was pretty hard to choose who to do. I thought it was fun, my favorite thing about the activity was we got to draw our own medal. I love drawing it's like my favorite thing in the world I'm not kidding. So that's what I did for reading bye bye.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Te reo Maori- Classroom Object

In Te Reo Maori we've been learning about naming classroom objects. At first we only had to name the object in Maori but through time we learnt about colors so we had a challenge. We had to name the objects and put the color of the objects to. For example He kahurangi Pukapuka tenei, which means This is a blue book and we had to ten of those to make sure we understand. I thought it was fun it wasn't that hard because we had a vocabulary sheet which tells us the object and Maori version of it. I actually liked it because we don't usually do things in other languages so I thought it was challenging and fun. I hope you enjoined my blog if you have any comments put them under the blog bye.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Sam Dickson- Athlete Profile

Today in writing we did a Sam Dickson Athlete Profile. If you don't know what an Athlete profile is it's an activity where you have a picture of any athlete of your choice (but our writing group have to do it about Sam Dickson because we are learning about him) then you have to put facts in the squares around the athlete. 

I thought it was fun I really enjoyed it, but it wasn't that easy we had to search up facts on the internet no sites no anything just old fashion internet. But at the end I finished it, it was probably one of the hardest things I did on google slides because we usually have a site then we read it then that's where we get the facts. Thank you for going on my blog bye.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Matching Sports

Hello everybody today in reading we are doing another Olympics activity again, yes I know that we've done like a bunch of them. I'm going to tell you the process about it. The first thing we did was we had to put the sport into where it was played. OK I know it was easy because I'm not even joking I literally did it in like two minutes then we had to blog the activity which I'm doing now which is actually pretty easy. Oh did I mention the activity was easier then eating even a five year old. No actual it was pretty hard and easy at the same time so I guess it means it was medium on hard scale. Well that was it I hope you enjoined my blog bye.