
Friday, December 4, 2020

Digital citizenship work

A few weeks ago in digital citizenship we discussed about a thing online called an invisible ring. The invisible ring is a thing online like a secret account to bully people on that's when you are wearing the invisible ring but when you aren't wearing the invisible ring you are just on a normal account minding your own business. It was fun watching the video about it and it was fun working about it but that is going to be it for today bye. Oh wait if you have any questions or comments about this blog post just put a comment okay bye for real.    

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

A digital learning object about deforestation/ habitat destruction

Hello my name is Son and today in inquiry we had to make a digital learning object about habitat destruction and deforestation today's digital learning object is different to me because I usually do a digital learning object on a google slide or a jam board.

 I don't usually do a digital learning object on a google drawing to me so yeah I it is pretty different I like it though. I think the digital learning object on google drawing is pretty cool and trying something different never hurt anyone but it was challenging to because I didn't get to use that much space and I always need space because like why did I have to do it as a split screen type of thing. 

And if we don't start helping the world could end pretty soon because trees give you oxygen and air for us to breath with and if we keep chopping all the trees down we will lose oxygen and air and eventually we won't have any air and we will ALL DIE and you don't want that to happen right. So if you want to save the world we need to STOP chopping the trees down STOP littering and try to not use a lot of plastic because if we use plastic or we litter it will just end in the sea and then all the fish will die and we will be next. So stop littering and chopping trees down it is for the good for us.

Okay that's going to be it for today and if you have any questions that you want to ask me you could just write a comment bye.   


Iron Tamariki blog post

Hello people I am Son and I am making a blog post about the Iron Tamariki. if you don't know what the  Iron Tamariki is, it is a race in the book that I red about the book was called The Iron Tamariki it is a Maori and New Zealand book. I think it's a pretty good book because it can encourage people to never give up and you could win anything. Okay that's it if you have any questions you could use the comment button at the bottom bye bye.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Cats should be aloud to be outside

Hello readers I have a complainant to have I for myself because cats are making everything in your house all bad and it is not good isn't that right so you know what you have to do you just leave them outside so that they can do anything bad so here is a document about Cats should be allowed to go outside and if you have any questions just make a comment okay bye.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

plastic straws should be banned

 Plastic straws should be banned

I think plastic straws should be banned because they are harming a lot of things like animals, the air, the ocean and even humans could die just because of all the pollution. So I think we should ban plastic straws and we should stop littering. 

Plastic straws and rubbish will harm the earth if we don’t act quickly because the pollution from the plastic and the rubbish will spread into the ocean. Maybe in about forty five years we won't stop littering our world. Legit won’t be a world anymore just rubbish nothing else. Well maybe still us but not a lot of animals so don’t litter.   

The plastic straws will get stuck in animals' noses and they can swallow them too. If plastic straws get into sea turtles mouth or nose and their lives will get halved so lets say they live for one hundred years there time of living will be fifty, And another sad thing is there won’t be any new evolution because plastic will kill a lot of animals. 

You can’t burn plastic straws because well you can burn them but the smoke will still be there and the pollution will pollute the earth and it will stink. To be honest I think smoke is the worst litter because it can spread way quicker but that is only my opinion you can think whatever you want to think like maybe just rubbish is the worst pollution.

Plastic straws should be banned, actually they definitely should be banned. The only people who need plastic straws are old people that don’t have a lot of teeth left and if they don’t use plastic straws their teeth will get a frosty feeling. But old people are only like twenty percent of the people on our earth so the other eighty percent won’t need to use plastic straws.

This blog post and this writing took so much time to make because first I had to write down all of my ideas on a piece of paper second now we had to do a plan about plastic straws and THEN we had to do a writing template AND THEN now we had to do a blog post about it. That is how challenging it is  it is like challenging like good challenging it was fun at the same time though because I found out some thing I haven't found out before and it is plastic straws SUCK.    

Thursday, October 22, 2020

dragon slide show

In the holidays I made a slide show and the only thing in the slide show is dragon picture and you could probably tell it is about dragons because the title is a dragon but it isn't a title it's just a picture of a dragon. There are a lot of different type of dragon textures like the first one is, well I tried to make it like an anime dragon. 

Friday, September 25, 2020

Calendar art Kandinsky circles

Today I finally finished my Calendar art, our Calendar art is about Kandinsky circles, if you didn't know what Kandinsky circles are I think it was a famous art picture about mixing colors and the person that made the Kandinsky circles is an amazing artist called Van Gogh, Van Gogh made a lot of paintings but he already died like 230 years. 

Monday, September 14, 2020

blog about making sentences better

Today in writing we had to make better sentences like this I ran to my bed but we had to make that better so I did After school the crying little girl ran sacredly to her bed. We ha  d to add adverbs, adjectives, nouns, verbs, and stuff to make it better. 


Thursday, August 27, 2020

Elephant Whisper story web

Today I learned a new thing it's called a story web and the story web was about a book called Elephant Whisper and the book is good. The book is about a elephant a mouse a little girl and a zookeeper. The settings was in a zoo and a elephant was escaping their cage and a little girl helped the elephant back into it's cage and that's what the story is about. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

A Haiku poem about anything

Today in writing we did a haiku poem about any thing we wanted and if you want to know what haiku poem is there is a blog about it that I blogged 1 or 2 days ago so go check it out  if you want to know OK. Back to the blog so what I picked was a cartoon but don't tell any one I said that OK bye      

Monday, July 27, 2020

Haiku poem about polar bears

Today in writing we did a haiku poem a haiku poem is five syllables then seven and then another five syllables it is not five words it is five parts or syllables. Syllables means words split to parts and that is what haiku means bye.   

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Ways to spot fake news.

This week in reading we learned to keep our self safe on the internet for example we looked at an article about tree octopus but when we were done the teacher said that article is fake and today we needed to tell people around the world to keep people safe and this is what I did. 

Monday, June 15, 2020

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Today in writing we watched a video
called Soar it is about a little girl and
a elf. The elf's ship fell down and the
little girl helped to fix it you will know the rest if you read this or just watch it. So you don't have to search it on YouTube here is I link that I put for you. Oh and here are pictures too
of my writing and the video

Dust buddies

Today in writing we had to do our writing super fast and we had finish it too because it was the last day of class hangouts class hangouts have always been fun to me and staying home too but it is good to be at school and here is a link to the video of dust buddies

Thursday, May 7, 2020


Today in writing we finished our lighthouse writing from Tuesday. this story is about a lighthouse and a lighthouse man where the light in the light house broke and a ship was coming find out what happens and here's a link to watch the video I watched.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Fred the firefighter

today in reading we reed a poem
called Fred the firefighter it is about
Fred rescuing a cat and then
throwing it. And then doing
a quiz this is my work.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Online classes

In online classes they have been good so far, because math and writing are my favorite subjects. And we do math and writing the most so I have been liking online classes. Well I bet all people like online classes because they at home. Some people like reading and writing instead of math and writing but I like math and writing. For writing we had to do write about an episode of Pigeon impossible my writing looked like this yeah I did a lot. For math we did time like day and night and am and pm and telling the time on a clock like sec min and hours. For reading we did epic aka adios books and a quiz.Then we did another quiz which was called Ultimate Frisbee, there were 4 questions the first one was a high light one, the second one was writing a sentence  with the word stall if you didn't know stall like you slow down the third one was what is another word for throw and the fourth one was what does offensive team mean and that is it I'm done.