
Friday, September 10, 2021

Te-Reo Sayings

Hello everybody for the past Te-Reo sessions we have been learning about Te-Reo sayings for classroom objects I actually did it with it with a buddy so I'm going to show you an example for what we did . So if I said "He aha tenei?" and held up ONE pen my buddy would say "it's a pen" but in Maori. The next example is a group of things or more than one thing, so for example if I said "He aha enei" and held up TWO pencils my buddy would say "it's two pencils" in Maori again.

I really enjoyed the activity even though trying to get like the perfect video ever. Fun Fact we had to do like a billion videos because we had to record in the toilet and everybody had to go toilet TODAY! So that was the challenging thing about this activity but the rest wasn't that hard. If you want to see the video it's down there, sorry about the noise in the background Again we had to record in the toilet so that's why. I hope you enjoyed my blog BYE BYE. 


Thursday, September 2, 2021


Hello everyone today for math we are learning about Algebra. For the past three activity'shave all been about Algebra it was challenging, but this isn't for Algebra. This is normal Patterns, yeah my teacher just made the an activity for people that finished everything and blogged everything. So this has nothing to do with the stuff we've been learning about. I thought this activity was very easy. All we had to do was look at the pattern solve it and draw what the next pattern will be. Simple but yet again I still enjoyed this activity because you get to draw and I love drawing. That is what I did today for math, bye bye.   

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Fathers day comic

Hello everyone for writing on Monday and Wednesday we got to chose to make anything for your dad for up coming Fathers-Day. I picked a comic, because I thought I could do it faster and I could still enjoy it because I love drawing like anything. Even on a device I don't know why but I think devices are like a lot easier to draw than on paper. I felt like it was still pretty hard because it took me a long time to just draw 4 of the pictures let alone all 8, but again I love drawing so I really enjoyed this activity. We actually have another writing session on Friday but I didn't need it. I hope you enjoyed my blog, bye.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Algebra 3

Hello everyone today we did another another algebra math activity for math that's right we did another Algebra, but it still wasn't like the last 2. Last one is about greater than, smaller than and equal. Last, last one was about replacing a number we didn't know with any symbol you of your choice. The thing about this one is I didn't really understand it but after I answered the question or what ever it's called, my brain just motored and I finished and that's like the only thing that matters. Other than actually learning it. I felt like it still was hard because some parts of this activity was confusing but I still enjoyed it, because I love challenges. I hope you liked my blog, bye bye.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Algebra 2

 Hello everyone today we did another algebra math activity for math, but it wasn't like the last on the last one was about replacing a number we didn't know with any symbol you chose. This one is about greater than smaller than and equal. The thing about this one is I already learnt it so I was like the first one to finish so I didn't think it was hard but it still felt fun because I haven't used it in a long time and I like well doing old stuff I learnt in the past. That's what I did  for math, I hope you enjoyed my blog, bye.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021


Today and yesterday in math we worked on a slide show about Algebra. If you don't know what Algebra is, it's just a math strategy to replace something you don't know with a object like a circle or anything you desire and do you now what Algebra goes good with well that's patterns. I learnt that from this slide show we had to do at math basically all of the activity on there involved patterns. I thought that this activity wasn't that hard it was just time consuming. I enjoyed the activity though because it really got my brain thinking and it was fun. So that's what I did for math today I hope you enjoyed my blog, bye.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Olympics Nadia Comaneci

Today in reading our reading group had to read a online book about a lot of successful Olympics champions and one of them was Nadia Comaneci. Of course we were aloud to pick who we wrote or what ever the picture is on the right, but Nadia Comaneci stood out for me, because she was only 14 when she joined the Olympics AND she was the first person ever to get a score of 10 now that's special. I thought it was hard because again she just stood out to me so it was pretty hard to choose who to do. I thought it was fun, my favorite thing about the activity was we got to draw our own medal. I love drawing it's like my favorite thing in the world I'm not kidding. So that's what I did for reading bye bye.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Te reo Maori- Classroom Object

In Te Reo Maori we've been learning about naming classroom objects. At first we only had to name the object in Maori but through time we learnt about colors so we had a challenge. We had to name the objects and put the color of the objects to. For example He kahurangi Pukapuka tenei, which means This is a blue book and we had to ten of those to make sure we understand. I thought it was fun it wasn't that hard because we had a vocabulary sheet which tells us the object and Maori version of it. I actually liked it because we don't usually do things in other languages so I thought it was challenging and fun. I hope you enjoined my blog if you have any comments put them under the blog bye.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Sam Dickson- Athlete Profile

Today in writing we did a Sam Dickson Athlete Profile. If you don't know what an Athlete profile is it's an activity where you have a picture of any athlete of your choice (but our writing group have to do it about Sam Dickson because we are learning about him) then you have to put facts in the squares around the athlete. 

I thought it was fun I really enjoyed it, but it wasn't that easy we had to search up facts on the internet no sites no anything just old fashion internet. But at the end I finished it, it was probably one of the hardest things I did on google slides because we usually have a site then we read it then that's where we get the facts. Thank you for going on my blog bye.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Matching Sports

Hello everybody today in reading we are doing another Olympics activity again, yes I know that we've done like a bunch of them. I'm going to tell you the process about it. The first thing we did was we had to put the sport into where it was played. OK I know it was easy because I'm not even joking I literally did it in like two minutes then we had to blog the activity which I'm doing now which is actually pretty easy. Oh did I mention the activity was easier then eating even a five year old. No actual it was pretty hard and easy at the same time so I guess it means it was medium on hard scale. Well that was it I hope you enjoined my blog bye.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Olympics Violet Walrond

Hello everybody Today in reading I am learning about the Olympics and the history of Olympics. My group is focusing on one of the youngest and first girl or teenager to ever participate in the Olympics. We had to read an articular and then do a work sheet. When I did my work sheet I thought I did a pretty good job. But I think I could've wrote more on the work sheet than I did. It was pretty challenging but at least I finished. I hope you enjoyed my blog if you have any comments put them bellow bye.


Monday, July 26, 2021

Math problem - Pixel art part 5

Today in math we did our fifth version of this math brain teaser. It was about solving questions to make a picture, or you can call it a pixel art. It was pretty easy for me it was just basic facts and I do them everyday so it wasn't hard. 

So if you want to do this brain teaser I will leave a link here if I can for you to try. make sure to comment that you tried so I can see what you found tricky and stuff. Also, please comment if you liked it okay

Bye bye.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Math problem - Pixel art part 4

Today in math we did our fourth version of this math thing. It was about solving questions to make a picture, or you can call it a math brain teaser. It was pretty easy for me but a bit confusing for some of the bits. 

I will leave a link here if I can for you to try. make sure to comment that you tried so I can see what you found tricky and stuff. Also, please comment if you liked it okay

Bye bye.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Student summit 2021- Uru manuka cluster

Today some people got chosen to go to a Student Summit, and I was one of them. We went to the Student Summit for one reason to learn create and share. At first we had to choose which subjects we wanted and then we went into them. Oh I forgot to tell you that we went to a different school to do this, we went to Hornby primary school and it wasn't just us that went the whole Uru manuka cluster went to it so it was big.

Next all of the schools were welcomed and then we went to our first transition, I went to an animate program and it was all about making people and wallpaper and stuff. It was fun every body kept looking at mine and I heard people whisper how did he do that? It was kind of weird because even the people that were running the program kept on looking at my screen so that has some good and bad things and it was only 20 minutes for each transition. The next thing I went to was Book Creator the people was nice and that was kind of just it it wasn't bad but it was really fun.

Then we had morning tea I don't really tell you that. Then we went to another animation thing that was the best thing we did and also it was the funniest thing ever. It was like a program that animates for you something like that. Then the last thing we did was, how to use Biteable. If you don't know what Biteable is well it's like google slides on drive but it has animations for slides. I already knew how to use it but I wanted to see if I could learn anything new. Also this wasn't the last thing we had to do a blog about the Student Summit which is what I'm doing right now. That's it everyone if you have any questions or comments leave just leave a comment bye. 

Monday, June 28, 2021

Math problem - Pixel art art 3

Today we did this digital art thingy and it I was pretty easy because I did it in a couple minutes but some of the questions had me stuck, there is a link here for you to try it out yourself. Have you ever done one of these?? Comment below! :)))))

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Math problem - Pixel art art 2

Hello readers today we did a math thing where we had to solve questions to make a picture, or you can call it a math brain teaser. It was pretty easy for me but a bit confusing for some of the bits. 

I will leave a link here if I can for you to try. make sure to comment that you tried so I can see what you found tricky and stuff. Also, please comment if you liked it okay

Bye bye.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Brain teaser

Hello everyone today in math's I did a brain teaser, it was pretty easy for me because all you needed to do was use plus and minus and you need to look closely. What I found interesting was people told 3 different answer but I'm sure mine is the true answer. Now were finish if you are doing this brain teaser please don't copy me.  

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Math problem pixel art

Hello readers today we did a math thing where we had to solve questions to make a picture. It was pretty easy for me but a bit confusing for some of the bits. I will leave a link here for you to try. make sure to comment that you tried so I can see what you found tricky and stuff. Also, please comment stuff that I could improve on in writing blurbs. 
okay bye bye.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Poppy Cinquain Poem

For the past couple of weeks our writing group are learning about poems and the subject was Anzac, because it was Anzac day a few weeks ago. This week we are looking at Cinquain poems, I didn't know what they were at the start  but I like them, they're simple, creative and fun.

The thing I found the hardest was nothing because it was easy and simple those are the things that make this poem great. The thing I found the funnest was making the poem because again it was simple and I could finish it faster.

If you don't know what Cinquain poems are well you came to the right spot. Cinquain poems are poems that contain nouns, adjectives, verbs, synonym and 
short statements. For some reason my 
words formed a tree.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Anzac Diamante poem

In writing our writing group are looking at poems. This is the second poem that we have done this term, it is called a Diamante poem. A Diamante poem is a poem that has a only one noun on the top, two adjectives on the second line, three verbs on the next line, four nouns then you do the same but the opposite way. Three verbs, two adjectives and one noun forming a diamond.

Our writing group did that but we had to do it about Anzac day. The hard thing I found about the activity was to find all the nouns for the poem, for some reason I found that part the hardest it would usually be the easiest because it's just names. The thing I found best was decorating it because, I draw my own pictures and I think they look good. I drew pictures about the things I put on the poem for example I put a grave on it. The thing I found the most interesting was how it the poem looks. So some times the poems don't look like a diamond but that doesn't really matter, the only thing that matters is making the poem good.


War memorials

This week our reading group read a story about war memorials. Next we had to do a activity about war memorials, we had to use a website that would let us see all of the was memorials in Christchurch, and we had to find each different type of war memorials. I really enjoined doing it we also learned to use maps so that's another good thing, but anyway I enjoined it because it was fun finding the war memorials. But the hard thing was the exact thing it was hard finding it, because there were loads and loads of them it was still fun though so it didn't matter. The only thing that mattered was me finishing it. That's it bye 

Thursday, May 13, 2021

haiku poems about Anzac day

At reading our reading group are learning about poems.
The first poem we tried is haiku poems, haiku poems are poems which have five syllables on the first line, for the second line seven and to finish it off five.

So haiku poems are all about syllables but we had to base it off Anzac day, that's what we have to base it on for three weeks. The thing that was hard for me was basing it off Anzac because I don't know much about Anzac because I'm from another country.

The thing I found a the most fun was making the pictures because I do a lot of art on my computer 
I'm use to things like this so it was really fun making poppies. That is it bye bye.  

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Soldier uniform

Today in reading my reading group did an activity about soldiers uniform, we had to put some squares that had some text in it saying what the gear that the soldiers is wearing. For example we put the hat in the section that the hat was connecting to and we had to do it with everything that the solider was wearing.

I really liked the activity because there were some thing I didn't know what they were called and I like the picture of the soldier. The hard thing about the activity is I didn't know all of them so I had to search what it was. That's what I did in reading today sorting soldiers uniform bye bye.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Earth and beyond

In inquiry our class learned about the layers of the earth. It was really fun doing all the activity about the earth, this one is about the layers of the earth and it was fun learning all about the earth. 

The thing that I felt was the most difficult was what vital information I had to put in the text,(referring to the activity that I'm showing you write now) because there is way way way more stuff about the earth, but I only had a limited amount of things to put in the text boxes and that's it bye.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Code Cracker brain teaser

Today in math we did a brain teaser and then we had to video it and then we had to blog it and that's what I'm doing right now. A blog but first I'm going to show you what and how we did it is super duper specific IT IS drum role please the picture right here yep super duper specific and that's what we did to so yeah that's it for the blog if you have any questions or anything just comment on the blog and I'll read it BYE.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Pouākai the giant eagle

last week we tried to finish our writing call Pouākai the giant eagle it's a Maori legend about war and chopping of stuff and blood but yeah that's what we wrote about.

first we had to do a plan about what it was about because everybody has to plan before they write but first the teacher read us the story of course because then how could we do the plan.

so we did the plan and then we started our writing and it was very quick when I did the writing because I did the writing at home because I was so bored I have nothing to do, and that's it here is my story over there on the side bye.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Coded Hundreds Board - math brain teaser

Today in math we did a math's number board brain teaser thingy it was really easy I found out what the code was it was just symbol's taking the place for numbers but anyway me and my friend Lucas finished it first and everybody was like how do you do it! How do you do it! it was weird but at least I finished it bye.


Friday, March 12, 2021

how the south island was formed Maori legend


Last week and this week our writing teacher read us a Maori legend which was about how the south island was made it was really cool I loved it a lot it makes you really think about what the images are like. 

We had to rewrite the story by reading it and then writing it on a document. But we had to do a plan first because everybody needs a plan because you can't do anything with out a plan. And that was it hear is my writing and good bye

Thursday, March 11, 2021

what is a Pepeha?

Today and yesterday I suppose in reading we read a text about what a pepeha is and then wknow e had to do an activity to explain what a pepeha is (the activity that I did is right here down there), the text was really cool it explained to you what a pepeha was and what marae's do. (if you didn't know what a mare is it's a Maori tribe and if you don't know what Maori is it's a culture) That's what we did for reading today and yesterday.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

shark D.L.O

Hello everyone last week we learnt a lot about shark facts but before that I only knew like four or three things about 
sharks, that's weird because after reading the book about sharks I knew tons and tons of facts about shark like look at the picture with the writing so may FACTS. It was hard to gather up all of the facts write it down on the D.L.O/ Digital learning object and then post it on your blog and that's it so now saying that it doesn't sound like much but it is, oh and I had to make the picture so that's practically it so yeah BYE BYE!